Września Collection: Photobooks as an Artistic Showcase of the City

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Aleksandra Klimek-Lipnicka


The subject of this study is a cyclical residency organised by the city of Września and dedicated to photographers, resulting in a collection of photobooks called the Września Collection. Using the research perspective of affective turn and institutional theory, the functioning of this endeavour and specific examples of the works included in the Collection are discussed. This work aims to present the Września project as a positive example of support for the book, which is an important medium of contemporary Polish photography. Furthermore, the photobook is shown as a causal art object with performative and affective potential.

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How to Cite
Klimek-Lipnicka, A. (2025). Września Collection: Photobooks as an Artistic Showcase of the City. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia De Arte Et Educatione, 19(399). Retrieved from https://studiadearte.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/11752